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    Educational Control products - Control Systems - Easy to follow System manuals
Easy-to-follow System Manuals
ECP Manuals Use Diagrams and Tables Throughout
To Assure Clear, Concise Communication
All ECP systems include a compehensive manual that fully explains all aspects of system setup and operation as well as theoretical background, principles of operation, and experiments. The manual has extensive diagrams and graphical figures throughout to assure clear, concise communication to the reader.

Startup & Orientation: Easy-to-follow instuctions guide the user through the simple installation procedure. A "self guided tour" quickly orients the user to the operation of the system. In the tour, control is implemented, the system is maneuvered through various trajectories, and interesting data is plotted - all within minutes of initial setup!

System Operation: A comprehensive chapter describing system operations shows how to use the many features of the interface software and how to reconfigure the mechanism and change its dynamic parameters. A brief but important section on safety provides for trouble-free system use.

Pinciples of Operation: A tutorial chapter gives an overview of the real-time control architecture and describes the principles of operation of the various system elements including the data processing hardware and software and the sensors and actuators. The flow of the control signals through trajectory generation, control execution, ADC, DAC, and analog servo amplification are traced in detail. Because the ECP hardware and control architecture are representative of modern industrial control design, this chapter serves as an excellent introduction to students of "real-world" control implementation.

Dynamic Modeling & Theory: This chapter along with an acompanying appendix derives the equations of motion and obtains the plant dynamic models in several state space and transfer function forms. It includes a treatment of non-ideal effects such as friction, motor cogging, and drive flexibility and gives the full dynamic expressions. These are subsequently reduced to more simplified models useful for many control purposes. Matlab® scripts are provided (instructor's manual only) that build the numerical plant models for any system configuration.

Experiments: Each system includes a set of novel and exciting experiments that cover a broad range of important control systems topics. They are designed to provide physical insight into control systems principles through hands-on demonstration. The experiments are described with step-by step instructions and complete solutions are provided so that a minimum of instructor time is needed in lesson preparation. For a full description and some interesting examples go to the Experiments page.

Instructor's Supplement: Each system includes an Instructor's edition of the manual which includes typical test results for each experiment and complete solutions to all exercises. Results are presented in graphical format to compare with those that students turn in. Also included are numerical models of the plant in several configurations and Matlab® scipts for building plant models for any desired parameter combination. Additional scripts provide controls analysis, simulation, and design tools to support the given experiments and more advanced study/research.